The Strada Library

The Strada Library

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Ledesma enhanced talent management with SAP SuccessFactors
Case studies

Case study: Ledesma enhanced talent management with SAP SuccessFactors

Challenge An innovator seeking transformation With a storied history and a long-term vision, the company…

Tenova people management with SAP SeccessFactors
Case studies

Case study: Tenova people management with SAP SeccessFactors

Challenge A growing issue of people management Tenova’s success has resulted in significant expansion on…

Uniper creates an employee-centric SAP HR system
Case studies

Case study: Uniper creates an employee-centric HR system with SAP SuccessFactors

Challenge Overhauling legacy systems to build a streamlined HR strategy In 2016, Uniper spun off…

Clariant transforms global reporting by eliminating silos with SAP
Case studies

Case study: Clariant transforms global reporting by eliminating silos with SAP

Challenge Multiple legacy systems hinder transparency and efficiency for Clariant Clariant has several companies in…

ABN AMRO launch a end-to-end HR and payroll platform using SAP SuccessFactors
Case studies

Case study: ABN AMRO launch a end-to-end HR and payroll platform using SAP SuccessFactors

Challenge Enhance the employee experience with innovative thinking ABN AMRO is a personal bank in…

Case studies

Case study: Global consumer goods company transforms payroll processes with Workday and Strada

Opportunities for payroll processes improvement Before their journey with Strada, the company identified many opportunities…

NEC maximizes business success through Strada’s Advisory Services
Case studies

Case study: NEC maximises business success through Strada’s Advisory Services

Maximising talent and improving employee experience through global HR transformation In 2022 NEC selected Strada…

Automotive repair provider adopts Workday Adaptive Planning
Case studies

Case study: Automotive repair provider adopts Workday Adaptive Planning

Opportunities for improvement through Workday Adaptive Planning: Before adopting Workday Adaptive Planning, the company faced…

Pharmaceutical lab
Case studies

Case Study: Leading pharmaceutical manufacturing company uses Strada’s automated testing for Workday

Extensive Workday testing requirements and limited resources The company decided to partner with Strada for…

Prysmian Group unifies workforce insights with an integrated HCM and Payroll solution
Case studies

Case study: Prysmian Group unifies workforce insights with an integrated HCM and Payroll solution

Challenge Prysmian Group had seen rapid growth over the years, which included several acquisitions where…

RHI Magnesita digital HR Transformation with SAP SuccessFactors Modules from Strada
Case studies

Case study: RHI Magnesita – Digital HR Transformation with SAP SuccessFactorsModules from Strada

SAP SuccessFactors putting an end to back-office inefficiencies In 2019, RHI Magnesita selected SAP SuccessFactors…

Hotel Reception
Case studies

Case study: Integrated Resorts Organisation: Using Workday HR system to Support Future Global Growth

Building an HR process for future global growth After undergoing a divestiture in 2022, our…