How to configure job posting locations in Workday

How to configure job posting locations in Workday

Before job posting locations were introduced in Workday, external location fields had to be used. This approach wasn’t always easy, which is why Workday introduced this functionality in Workday 27. Strada’s guide provides you with complimentary configuration instructions to help you set this up in your own Workday tenant.

Planning posting locations in Workday

When you bring job posting location to the system, you have the opportunity to adjust your existing locations. There are a number of tasks in this phase, including the following for consideration:

  • Audit the existing locations in your system. If there are location names that are redundant consider removing or renaming them.
  • Review the open and frozen requisitions in the system. Once the new posting location names are available, you can update these requisitions to completely remove old location names from the external career sites.
  • Determine if there are existing workarounds you are using today. You may want to remove them from the system so that users will start using job posting locations going forward.

Update the job posting location column with the default job posting locations

You may have many locations to create and update. EIB is the preferred way to create new locations and update existing ones [/library/what-is-workday-eib]. You can use location web service to both create a job posting location and update your business sites with default job posting locations. To create new locations, you’ll need to provide:

  1. Location name
  2. Location usage
  3. Location address (based on the global address requirements set up in your tenant)

Creating a location type of job posting is optional, but useful for reporting. When you add the location name, we recommend that you also add the state. This makes it easier in the case of city names that exist in multiple states. For example, add ‘Richmond, VA’ and ‘Richmond, TX’ instead of ‘Richmond’. We also recommend adding readable reference IDs to make it easier to upload default job posting locations.

The Reference ID is the only information you need to upload the default job posting locations.

Generate a spreadsheet with your current business sites listed in your tenant.

Update the open and frozen requisitions in the system with job posting locations.

You can do this by creating a report with all the job requisitions in the system and filter based on job requisition status.

You can also add fields to show job posting details. This will help identify the job requisitions that will need to be unposted and posted back to reflect the changes.

The EIB you should use to update the job requisition is called ‘Edit Job Requisition’. If you use evergreen requisitions, you’ll need to use ‘Edit Evergreen Requisition’ web service to update them.

Once job requisitions with default locations are loaded, unpost them from the career sites using ‘Unpost Job Web Service’.

  • This can be tricky. Make sure your job posting reference ID, which you can get from the report you created, is included.
  • Leave other fields blank (even if marked as required).

Finally, use the ‘Post Job Web Service’ to post the requisitions back.

  • This too can be tricky to load. You will see that the spreadsheet asks for both job posting site name and job posting site ID. Add one or the other—not both.
  • Also, the job posting start date has to be the current date.


To make testing easy, create reports to confirm that the data is entered correctly. Thoroughly review your career site to make sure the locations are reflected correctly. Also check the locations, job requisitions, etc. to confirm that nothing is broken by the updated EIBs.


Once you’ve begun using job posting locations remember to add them to every new business site you create in the future.

Get started and see how easy it is to use Workday job posting locations.

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